Sunday, January 22, 2012

Neritidae Update #2

I came back from my vacation in Las Vegas yesterday and to my surprise, the front of my tank is all clean! Wait, should I even be surprised?  It was bound to happen anyway.
Check it out!

There are watermarks outside the tank's glass walls but the algae on the glass has been shredded to a minimum.  They are actually working on the algae in the back of the tank now.  Pretty awesome, right?  I should note that while it does look crystal clear, there's still some algae left on the glass wall.  It's pretty minimal, so it's easily missed when taking photos or just casually looking at the tank.  My Clithon corona  are amazing.  Took about a week to get to this stage.  Didn't have to stick my hand into the tank at all.  Saves money and time from having to buy and scrape algae off the walls, aye?

I did see some small nerite eggs on the wall of my tank.  I simply scratched it off, there weren't many to begin with.  An abundance of algae they had gobbled up surely got them excited to think they can breed in this water.  Again, they do not hatch in pure freshwater, so just scratch them off if you ever end up getting them.  Or let them fall off naturally, whichever comes first.

Click HERE to see my original post about nerites.  Photos available to see how dirty the tank was on day #1.

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