Saturday, April 14, 2012

Bucephalandra sp. 'Midnight Blue' update!

I made a post about this plant a few weeks ago and I just wanted to make an update on it.  You can check the original post here.

Yesterday, April 13, 2012, I noticed that the flowering bud, previous green, has turned a beautiful white color.  As seen in the photos below.  It was going to bloom soon, I knew it.

Today, to my surprise, the flower has opened up and fully bloomed!  I have been waiting for this day as I find the bucephalandra flower to be quite unique and attractive.  I fell in love with this plant because of its flower actually.  I hope you enjoy them too!


  1. very nice plant.

    what type of lights do you use?

    1. I use a cheap 27W CFL lighting over all my 20 gallon long tanks. Bought these in hardware stores when building my rack. It does the job right :) Been using them for over a year.

  2. Are you talking about the round spot lights or just an actual tube light? How do you have it mounted? How many hours do you have the light on?

    Also, we talked about your C02 but I also have a question about your fertilizing regiment.

    I read your blog daily since it's really interesting and I get to ask you questions. Btw, I am hedge_fund on the plantedtank forum.


    1. I use the tubes in this set-up because of the limited space I have on a rack. However, I have used the spiral bulbs before with clip-on lights. One on each side of the tank and each with a 13W bulb. T5/MH/LED are great and all but CFLs do the job too! When it comes to our plants, light is rarely the issue in many cases. It's usually co2 or fert levels gone wrong. I strongly believe in the lower the light, the better.
      I don't have a scheduled regime for light hours. It can vary from 6-10 hours, depending on what time I decide to turn on the tank's light and what time I come home to turn it off. I'm pretty careless about light hours, as I know that I don't have any light-hungry plants in there. Mosses, Liverworts, Buces, H. pinnatifida. If I had a different type of stem plant or such, things would be different as their growth pattern strongly depends on when the light goes on, where it is, etc. That's a whole different topic to go through though.

      As for ferts, I do not dose ferts. I value my shrimp too much, so I keep the nutrient levels extremely lean in this tank. Do the plants suffer because of it? Yes, but I don't really care enough. They are growing "just enough" to my heart's content, although definitely not perfect specimens. My water is extra lean because this ADA Aquasoil has been used for over a year. Newer Aquasoil will keep plants happy, even without fertilizer, for quite some time. At the very least, a year.

      And thank you for reading! I try my best to keep it interesting :) *Cough* follow my blog *cough*

  3. Thanks. You got me motivated. I just started a new thread on TPT about C02.
