Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Berried Panda Shrimp

I was surprised today by finding one of my Shadow Panda Shrimp to actually be carrying eggs already!  Holy cow, that was incredibly fast.  I guess they're comfortable being in my tank after all.  The photo above isn't exactly the best photo in the world, I know, I know.  But you can see the Panda Shrimp hanging upside down from the driftwood.  You can see the white part of the abdomen area to be darkish in color.  Those are the eggs!  I'm incredibly stoked right now.  They're likely to be mischling (Hybrid CRS x Taiwan Bee) because I only saw one of my Pandas to be swimming rapidly last night.  So the chances of him impregnating her isn't that high.  I hope it was him though, I would love to get taiwan bees and not mischlings.  I didn't really think much of their activity yesterday but after seeing eggs today, I now know why they were swimming around.

Today will be marked as day one (1) of berried.  I will be keeping track on her progress from berried to birth.  It should be similar, if not, the same amount of time as regular CRS.  But since this is a taiwan bee and technically different, we shall keep a record.

Temp is 23C, approx 73F.