Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Shadow Panda Shrimp

The newest addition to my shrimp population, the Shadow Panda Shrimp.  The Shadow Panda is part of the Taiwan bee era.  Taiwan bees include the Black King Kong, Wine Red, Ruby Red and Blue Bolts.  Other new variations are coming to surface still but these seem to be the most prominent right now.

I only bought one because:

A.  It's really expensive.
B.  I've never kept them before and need to test out its hardiness when living in my tank.

It is currently residing in my second tank, the Crystal Black Shrimp tank.  You can view the tank here.  Minor changes in the tank have occurred.  For one, I took out the marimo moss ball.  I also removed the container that had flame moss in it.  Driftwood is still there, large piece of rock covered in xmas moss is there as well.
I don't know if this will be a permanent home for the Taiwan or for the Crystal Blacks.  I have about a month or so to figure out where he/she will stay.  More than likely, this tank will become a Taiwan bee tank though.  He/she is still too young to mate, so to avoid hybridization, I need to make up my mind fast.  I will update how this little shrimp does as days/weeks go by.

Wish us luck!

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