Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Removing Fenbendazole after treatment

I dosed my tank with Fenbendazole (Dog Dewormer) about a month ago.  I did this because I caught my tank with some hydras.  With shrimplets being born soon, I acted quickly and went to the store to purchase some Fenbendazole to eliminate it.

While Fenbendazole DOES do the job and eliminates all the hydra in the tank, it is also toxic to nerites for some reason.  My nerites would get sluggish and pass out after a day or two in the water.  However, if removed within a reasonable timeframe, they do recover.  I saved all my nerites but had difficulty putting them back into the tank.  They would still pass out after a few water changes done in the tank.

I didn't know what to do, so I asked for suggestions in a local club I am in.  One of our most revered members suggested adding carbon.  So, that weekend, I bought a tub of carbon and added two filter bags filled with carbon in my HOB filter.  I had to use a lot more carbon than the usual tank servings.  Within a week, my nerites are now living happily in the tank without passing out anymore.

In summary:
If you dose Fenbendazole to eliminate hydras or planaria and want to reintroduce nerites, do a big water change and add a lot of carbon to your filter.  It should remove the toxins.

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