Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Crystal Black Shrimp Tank

A little emergency and bad news on January 17, 2012.  I found one of my two SSS CBS dead in the Marine Breeder Box.  Furthermore, one of my SS CBS died later that day.

While I am not 100% sure of what caused their deaths, I knew it was not a good long-term home for 13 shrimp.  I was just hoping they would be able to stay in there a little bit longer for their tank to get ready (Should be ready by January 26).  

The question that ran through my head, after seeing their deaths was, "What caused it?"  I fed them at least every other day with Mosura food.  Sometimes, they wouldn't even finish eating it all.  It couldn't be water parameters because the water system is linked to my CRS tank and the CRS are perfectly fine.  In fact, within the past few days, the total number of berried CRS females has jumped to eight (8)!  
Oxygen levels in that tank should have been fine too, as I have the air pump running on max speed into that box.  

I strongly suspect that the lack of biofilm and micro-organism led to their death and unhealthy behavior.  I only put in Mini-Bolbitis in the breeder box.  Very minimal plant material, surely it wasn't able to host enough micro-organisms for them to feed on.  Maybe for a few small shrimp but for 13 mix sizes?  Highly unlikely.  I do not think it is starvation per se but rather a lack of essential foods/nutrients from the micro-organisms they pick away at.  

Of course, this is merely a hypothesis.

In any case, I decided to transfer the rest of the CBS into their premature tank and crossed my fingers.  They seem to be acting fine for the most part.  I actually had two Rili Shrimp culls living in that tank for over a week now to test the parameters.  Those two Rili Shrimp are still alive and well.  And to be on the safe side, I also dosed the tank with Prime to neutralize any ammonia (Although the ammonia should be non-toxic since my Ph is below 7) and nitrite.  

I now only have a total of 11 CBS.

This tank is probably bound to change in appearance in the future.  I'm just too lazy to fix it up.  The moss inside the plastic cup is flame moss.  The moss on the right is Christmas moss tied onto a rock.  Small green plants in front of the driftwood is the Mini Bolbitis.  Marimo Ball to the right of it.

Crossing my fingers they'll pull through.

Tank parameters:
Ph 6.4~
Gh 4-5~
TDS - 150~
Temp 22.5 ~ C

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