Saturday, December 24, 2011

Mosura Products

Ordered some Mosura items a few days ago and they just came in today.  Christmas came early for me I guess!
I'm pretty cheap, so I try to keep my item levels low and cost efficient, but without skimping on necessary things.
With that being said, I decided to get a bottle of Mosura Mineral Plus 'Ultra' and Mosura Specialty Food.

Mosura Mineral Plus 'Ultra' 250ml bottle

Let's begin with why I picked up the Mosura Mineral Plus 'Ultra'.  For starters, there's a regular Mosura Mineral Plus type (We're gonna start calling this MMP) and there's an 'Ultra' variant.  Both are the same, I believe.  One is just a tad more concentrated than the other, so whichever one you get, it really doesn't matter.  They both do the same thing.
The description of MMP is that it will put "minerals" into the water because it claims we lack certain minerals.  This is only true in some cases, as not all water lacks minerals!  Depending on your local water source, you may or may not need to use this product.  However, I need to use it because my local tap is too rich in minerals for the Red Bee Shrimp (Crystal Red Shrimp).  Therefore, I have resorted to using 100% RO water when doing water changes or when filling up aquariums.  The downside to this, is that RO water contains no minerals in it, thus, requiring me to "remineralize" it to the right parameters. The pros to this, is that you have full control of how much minerals you want to put in.  Cons?  You have to remineralize it yourself, forcing you to buy products for remineralization.  If your local tap is perfect, meaning you have the proper ph/kh/gh/tds levels, then great for you!  If you're like me, then doing the 100% RO water + remineralization may be the path you have to take.
MMP will raise GH/TDS but ignore KH and PH.  This is great because that's all you really want to do anyway!  I prefer my GH levels to be around 4-6 and TDS at around 180-220.  So with that being said, all I have to do is trickle small amounts of MMP into my RO water until I reach proper TDS levels.  I test TDS levels only because with the use of this product, TDS and GH correlates with each other.  TDS up = GH up.  But to be safe, when first using this product, I recommend testing your GH level as well as your TDS level.  So you have an idea of around how much your GH levels are when your TDS levels are "X".
How do I test TDS levels?  With a simple electronic and handheld TDS tester.  Some aquarium stores will have these available for you to purchase.  They shouldn't cost more than $30.  If you can't find it locally, ebay or amazon will probably your best bet and should be fairly cheap.

Mosura Specialty Crystal Red Shrimp Food

Now, here we have Mosura Specialty food.  This product claims to enrich the overall health of your shrimp, giving it a richer and more vibrant color.  This equates to better white coloring.  Furthermore, this product is suppose to compose of mostly plant/algae ingredients, as opposed to protein (meat).  The exact ratio is unknown and exactly what is thrown in isn't listed either.  So you kinda just have to take their word for it.
However, this product has been around for some time now.  A few years ago, the most prominent food product for shrimp was Mosura and Shirakura brands.  Shirakura got less popular and Mosura trumped them eventually.  So unfortunately, Shirakura pellets are harder to come by now in the United States.  With that being said, I decided to try my hand with Mosura this time around.  Upon opening the bottle, I found that the bottle was literally packed with small sticks of Mosura food.  Each stick varies in length but it's approximately 1/3 of an inch.  Now, because I only have 13 shrimp, I know by experience that there is no way my shrimp can finish a whole stick.  So with that being said, I broke it up and only tossed in 1/3 of a whole stick.  It's a small piece that is more than enough for them to go at.  In less than 5 minutes, my shrimp were going at it already.  

 Images below show that 7 of the 13 total came swarming for it in less than a minute of adding the Mosura food.  Impressive!

The question whether or not the shrimp's coloration will improve upon feeding this product still lingers.  However, they do seem to really enjoy this food.  I've tried Hikari shrimp bites before and the shrimp don't even really care for it.  They'll eat it if they walk past it but they don't actually go searching for it like they do with this Mosura food.  I should also note that Shirakura food also has the same effect as Mosura, in terms of shrimp behavior.  They'll sense it in the water and search for it.  You'll see a lot of your shrimp swarming in one location soon after with both Shirakura and Mosura food.  I highly recommend either one.  

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