Monday, July 16, 2012

Not Dead

Hello Bloggers!

I am not dead yet.  I have just been pretty occupied with life and I got caught up with things.  A photo update on my CRS tank!

A quick update:  

1.  I no longer have any Taiwan bees.  They all died 2 months ago.  Death was unexplainable, so I won't be getting them any time soon for now.  I think I will need to dedicate a tank specifically for Taiwan bees, as my CRS seem to be more aggressive than the taiwan bees.  While being of the same species, I did notice a difference in behavior.  

2.  I DID lose a few of my original 17 CRS, aka. my starter shrimp.  However, I chalked those up to natural deaths of age wearing their immune system down and passed away from a recent heat wave/nutrient dosing.  Losing two or three shrimp isn't exactly a big deal anymore, since my tank is infested with shrimp now as seen above.

3.  My shrimp colony is running great.  They're still breeding and babies are growing still. 

4.  Interesting thing I should note that my first batch that were born (I believe in February) are still NOT sexually mature.  Growth seems rather slow, even though I feed almost, if not already, a small piece of Mosura Speciality food once a day.  I may pick up Mosura Excel and see if their claims of faster growth will help improve this.  I do know that a richer protein diet will speed up growth for other animals, as I tested this with Dwarf Crays a few years ago.  Results should be similar with shrimp, as they are closely related.  

5.  That is all I can think of for now.  I hope y'all are having a great summer!  


  1. The taiwan bees probably died because of Co2....I think you can get by on the CRS but not on the TB. Good luck.

  2. Ah... I highly doubt it's the co2. I am pretty good with controlling my co2 levels to appropriate numbers. The original source (not the dealer I got if from but rather the one who dealt to the dealer) uses co2. I believe something else killed them. Co2 is not the culprit.
